Talk with Guadalupe „Returning to Paradise“ – An Anthropocene Reflection on the Narratives of Modern and Postmodern Society Regarding your project Return to Paradise, what inspired you to develop it? In Return to Paradise, I aim to address the disconnection between humanity and the environment. This project serves as a meeting point for reflecting on …

„Return to Paradise” by GUADALUPE PLAZA PETERSEN

The exhibition is now Alive. Click here to visit the exhibition Return to Paradise „Return to Paradise“ series, making a little reference to this time of theAnthropocene. This series works as a meeting point, to rethink and overcome thisseparation of humanity with the environment, to make us reflect on the climaticurgency, generate environmental awareness and …

The Persistence Of Loss – Finalist

We are pleased to announce the finalists of the open call „The Persistence of Loss“, who will participate in our physical exhibition at the end of November 2024. The selected artists are:– Anabelle Moghadam – Biser Nedialkov– Bobby Kostadinov– Doli Maneva– Georgi Petrov– Georgi Popov– Iliyana Velinova– Lili Petkova– Mari Masouridou– Matei Constantinescu– Nyl L– …


Group exhibition of students from New Bulgarian UniversityExperimental photographyStart 13.06 Finish 30.06 A group of students decided to dive into the past of photography and look at some of the oldest photographic techniques through a new lens, through a new PIN hall. We recall the magical effect of physical touch on photographic processes, on our …

Pinhole photographers

Kalina StoychevaHe likes to describe people through pictures. She is a photography student at NBU. Photography is her way of having fun and relieving stress. He dreams of developing more professionally. Daniela ManchevaDaniela Mancheva studies third year photography at New Bulgarian University. From an early age, she had a great attraction to photography and when …

Photography Contest

The Persistence Of Loss Hello dear photography artists!Blenda gallery now open Photography contest. The theme is- The Persistence of Loss We accept digital and analog photos.With the photographs, we will open Blenda this autumn with an exhibition.The optimal size is 60/40 cm.There will be 10 finalists.Email us your photoshoot and a short info about you, …

Ivan Ivanov

Art and black and white photography Ivan Ivanov is a photographer, his strength being portrait photography and outdoor photography with film.Born in Sofia, Ivan looks for locations, but mostly in his mind, placing the model in a non-convective environment.Black and white enchanting photographs that disturb the mind and actually the fairy tale transforms into danger.Another …

Svetlin Savov

SVETLIN SAVOV Born on April 28, 1984 in the city of Ruse. 2002 Graduated from the National School of Arts „Prof. Veselin Stoyanov“- Ruse.2010 graduated from Shumen University „Bishop Konstantin Preslavski“ with a specialty „Pedagogy of Fine Art Education“ with profile – graphics.From 2004 until today, he participated in numerous collective exhibitions in the state.Participates …